Duraclean: resistant to soil – easy to wash
Based on a new generation of eco-friendly chemistry, Duraclean is a Klopman finish which gives fabrics the ideal balance of repellency and washability.
In dry conditions (when wearing), Duraclean has hydrophobic features which make it resistant to oil and soil, thanks to a chemical component which reduces absorption. In wet conditions (during the washing process), Duraclean has soil-release properties, enabling the water and detergent molecules to extract soil from the fabric. The fabric, and therefore the garment, stays cleaner when in use and releases soil during washing. Duraclean offers enhanced garment appearance and extra safety, avoiding contamination of high-visibility garments and preventing dirt or flammable residues from setting on protectivewear garments.
Duraclean guarantees better economic care (less washing + lower washing temperatures = increased garment working life) and durability, withstanding from 30 to 50 washings when applied to polycotton fabrics.